E-Commerce domain and CMS migration

I have been working with this client from September 2016 to November 2016.
The client is in the retail for outdoor products.

My aim was to help them to perform a domain and platform migration for their e-commerce site.

The company, in fact, had a historical http://www.longdomain.com. For reasons related to their branding, they wanted to move to their newly acquired domain name, https://shortdomain.com.
The initial website had was supported by an old version of the CMS, which was planned to be changed to Magento.

The site had initially 4 languages for 6 markets, 3 of which English.

Because of their urgency, the migration had to be implemented in different steps, with not all the new contents ready. They also decided to go for the English language based only markets.

As I was requested to migrate the site to English as the unique language, I created a mapping file to redirect the old pages to the new domain and structure. I also applied a number of temporary 302 status code while the content was being created.

Once the new structures and contents were ready, I made the 302 pages as 301 to the final pages, for each relevant market.

During the following weeks, the most important backlinks were moved to the new domain name, to get the most from the current link profile.

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